Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
This section provides the list of FAQs.
Can I use previous versions including Data Junction or Data Integrator?
Yes. Data Integrator version 9 can be imported to the new Integrated Design Environment (IDE) directly. You must first upgrade the prior versions to version 9.
Note:  DataConnect version 10 maps and processes will be supported in a future release scheduled for early 2018.
What APIs are available?
The following APIs are available:
Java version 8 - A Command Line interface used for batch executions.
.Net - Use through Java bridge
Note:  COM is discontinued.
Where can I find the Java SDK?
Java SDK is available as a part of the on-line documentation.
Has the scripting language changed?
Yes and No. The former names for the scripting language—RIFL, djBasic, and ezScript are the same and all functions are still supported. Also, due to many changes, the process object methods are exposed through scripting language for the power users.
Does the engine still support version 9 djengine commands?
Yes. The same operations are exposed and documented for use with the version 11 engine.
Are 32-bit operating systems still supported?
No. We have upgraded the IDE and the engine to use 64-bit OS functionality as there was minimal impact on a few connectors, where the client drivers such as ODBC and MS Access must be updated.
What version of Java is supported?
Java 8 is the embedded Java version for the engine and IDE.
Is multi-threading supported?
Yes. Process workflows are designed to execute multiple parallel threads within the same JVM.
Does the Expression Results control panel still work?
Yes. This feature is re-implemented in version 11 as the IDE is a desktop application and can leverage the embedded djengine.
Is the engine execution profiler still available?
Yes. The execution profiler provides a graphical representation of events, actions, and scripting that occurs in maps and processes. This allows quick identification of performance bottlenecks. Outliers can be spotted and remediated in the design environment before ever reaching production.
What are the deployment options for runtime?
The integrations can be run and tested from the design environment before porting to another environment. Deployment on a production runtime environment can be a stand-alone engine, DataCloud, Actian Hybrid Integration Manager and DataConnect on-premise management interface. Also, the engines can be managed as Docker containers.
Does Change Source and Change Target still work?
Yes. All events and actions supported in version 9 are restored. This includes the OnDataChange event management and leading or trailing options.
Can the metadata be accessed and edited directly?
Yes. XML and Text editing are included in the IDE so that you can use the artifacts as a typical “resource” on the file system. However, it is recommended to back up the artifacts first as there is no support for the changes that are done through the user interface controls.
Are there any new features from Data Integrator version 9?
Yes. The modal pop-up dialogs and “hidden” properties dialogs are reduced to increase usability. The IDE has convenient tab structure that displays the Reject connection information and the Configuration settings.
Are the e-Document connectors like EDI, HIPAA, HL7, and SWIFT still supported?
Yes. The document schema designer features are integrated with the IDE. Hence, a separate application is not required. Also, the usability has improved as the schemas have their own editors specific to the document type.
Is there a Developer Community?
Yes. The Developer Community portal is
Are third party source control systems supported?
Yes, but not integrated firmly. We use an open metadata repository that leverages the file system so other tools can more easily be used to manage the artifacts.
What different types of life cycle management or versioning features are available?
We recommend to use the source control system if you are not leveraging a third-party source control system. However, there is a simple and flexible way to version the integration artifacts manually if required. Major versions are updated on demand and minor versions are updated each time the artifact is saved.
Is Integration Hub (iHub) still supported?
iHub was a solution offered by our Professional Services team. Therefore, it must be updated or maintained through them. For the contact information, see
When will DataConnect version 10 integrations be supported?
DataConnect version 10 integrations will be supported in a future release scheduled for early 2018.
Are Joins and the Join Designer still supported?
No. This feature is deprecated in version 10 as there are other ways to implement the same design pattern. The join connector is supported in the event for existing maps that you can leverage.
Does Content Extractor that is Extract Schema Designer work in version 11?
Connector and scripting language are still supported but the GUI is not rebuilt. The scripting language, CXL is documented and is based on AWK, which is a standard feature for most Unix operation systems. For more information, see