Setting Preferences : Setting Process Preferences
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Setting Process Preferences
To set the process preferences
1. Go to Options > Preferences.
The Preferences window is displayed.
2. In the left-pane, expand DataConnect and click Process Designer.
You can set the preferences for the canvas, palette, and the steps.
Note:  You can also open the Preferences window to set the process designer preference from within the process file. To do this, right-click on the Step Builder Canvas and select Preferences.
To set the canvas preferences
1. Click Canvas.
The Process Designer Canvas Settings are displayed on the right.
2. Specify the required option:
Show Grid - Displays the grid when you open the process file. The grid helps to precisely position and align the steps.
Snap to Geometry - Places the steps along perfect horizontal and vertical lines.
Grid Cell Size - Type a value for the Width and Height in pixels.
To set the palette preferences
1. Click Palette.
The Process Designer Palette Settings are displayed on the right.
2. Select one of the following to specify the Layout option:
Icons Only
Select Use large icons to display the palette icons using a larger size.
3. To set the step preferences
a. Click Steps.
The Process Designer Step Settings are displayed on the right.
b. Specify the required option:
Decision Step Default Labels - Specify the default name to be used for the decision step. In Label 1 or Label 2 fields, type True or False as per requirement. If you do not want to specify the default name, type False in both the fields.
Transformation Step Preferences - Specify the action to be performed when the map is selected using the file browser:
– Always create a copy of the transformation file created by the Map designer
– Always use the existing transformation file created by the Map designer
– Always ask
4. Click Apply and then click OK to save the changes.
The palette options in the Process tab will be displayed based on the selected options.