1. Installing EMA : Patching EMA
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Patching EMA
To upgrade an existing EMA container, you must shut down and remove the old container, install the new EMA Docker image, and start a new container.
Follow these steps:
1. Shut down and remove the old container.
The default name for the EMA container is ema. To check the name of your container, run:
docker ps -a
To shut down and remove the old container:
docker stop ema
docker rm ema
2. Install the new EMA Docker image.
Extract the files from the downloaded tar file:
tar xvf actian_ema.4.0.tar
Check the MD5 checksum:
md5sum --check md5sum.txt
Load the new image:
docker load --input actian_ema.4.0.docker.tar.gz
The image "actian/ema:4.0" is loaded into your Docker repository. It will overwrite an existing image with the same name. Use the command docker images to confirm the image is loaded.
3. Start a new container using the same external storage.
In this example the external storage is /opt/Actian/EMA4.0, the web port is 8080, and the current user is ema_user:
Export RUNTIME=/opt/Actian/EMA4.0
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v "$RUNTIME"/nagios/etc:/usr/local/nagios/etc:Z \
-v "$RUNTIME"/nagios/var:/usr/local/nagios/var:Z \
-v "$RUNTIME"/nagiosgraph/etc:/usr/local/nagiosgraph/etc:Z \
-v "$RUNTIME"/nagiosgraph/var:/usr/local/nagiosgraph/var:Z \
-e EMA_USERID=ema_user -l ema --name ema actian/ema:4.0