Developing Portable Applications : 3. Application Considerations : Implementation Differences : Copy Table Support
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Copy Table Support
The gateway supports the binary forms of copy into and copy from. These commands allow a fast and efficient way of loading and unloading data from the database through the gateway:
copy table table_name() into 'file_name'
This command copies table data from a gateway table or view and unloads it into the specified file. This file can be used later in the copy from command to load the data into another gateway or an Ingres database.
All data transformations are handled by the gateway. The generated file can only be used on the client platform. Ingres Net is used to handle any platform or architecture differences.
copy table table_name() from 'file_name'
This command copies table data from the specified file and loads it into a gateway table or view. This file was created in the copy into command issued against another gateway or an Ingres database.
All data transformations are handled by the gateway. Likewise, the file generated can only be used on the client platform. Ingres Net is used to handle any platform or architecture differences.
The copy table command requires that the original and target tables have identical characteristics. No coercion between data types is performed by the gateway. The original and target attributes must also have identical nullability characteristics.