Getting Started : 1. Introduction : Enterprise Access Installation Overview : Installation Procedure
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Installation Procedure
To install Enterprise Access
Install the target DBMSs. A list of supported DBMSs is available at
1. Create the Gateway System Administrator operating system user. This operating system user ID is currently 'ingres'. The 'ingres' user ID must be added to each target DBMS that will be accessed by the gateways.
2. Choose the procedure appropriate to your operating system:
Run setup.exe from the install image. For details, see the Installation for Windows.
Extract and run ingbuild from the install image. For details, see the Installation for UNIX.
3. Select the desired gateways:
Microsoft SQL (Windows only)
4. Follow the installation prompts.
5. Define the gateway alias entries needed to map the gateway database names to the target DBMS database names. See the "Gateway Alias Configuration" chapter in the Administrator Guide for specific details on configuring entries.
6. Run the gateway catalog build utility for the appropriate database. See the "Gateway Catalog Setup" chapter in the Administrator Guide.
7. Use ingstart and ingstop to control the gateways:
ingstart [-server class]
The ingstart command starts all components of a gateway installation. If installing into an existing Ingres installation, the gateways are automatically started when the ingstart command is executed. The gateways can also be started individually if at least an Ingres client installation is running. To start a specific gateway, use the optional server class parameter.
The available values for the gateway server class are:
The ingstop command shuts down the installation.
See the Ingres Command Reference Guide for more detail about the ingstart and ingstop commands.
The gateway is now ready for use.
For Ingres Net and Visual DBA information, see the following guides:
Ingres Command Reference Guide
Ingres System Administrator Guide