Getting Started : 6. Managing Databases : Database Object Manager : Open a Database Object Manager Window
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Open a Database Object Manager Window
The Database Object Manager provides a convenient and organized way to view database information.
To open a Database Object Manager window
1. Select the desired server or gateway branch in the Ingres Network Utility window.
2. Click the Database Object Manager toolbar button.
The Database Object Manager is also accessible from the Visual DBA utility.
The Database Object Manager (DOM) window appears:
Drill-Down Capability
Initially, a Database Object Manager's tree structure displays the Databases object category branch. From this branch, you can select a database and expand the navigational tree, drilling down to the information you need.
Example Database Objects Display
This example shows the Databases object category branch expanded to list the databases on the selected server, and one of the databases expanded to list its tables.
You can choose to display objects that are used internally by Enterprise Access by enabling the System Obj check box. You can refresh the data displayed by clicking the Force Refresh toolbar button. For detailed information about all of these Database Object Manager features, see the Visual DBA online help.