4. Understanding the Elements of SQL Statements : Expressions in SQL : Sequence Expressions : LAST_IDENTITY Function
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Operand type: None
Result type: INTEGER8
Returns the last value generated for an identity column (see page Identity Columns) in any table for the current session. If no identity value has been generated in the current session, returns NULL.
The number returned is specific to the current session, but not to a particular table.
Note:  The most recent identity number for this session may not necessarily be the highest number generated for any given table globally; another session may later generate a new number that will not affect the last number for the current session.
Note:  LAST_IDENTITY is not supported in Ingres Star. LAST_IDENTITY values can be obtained through DIRECT EXECUTE IMMEDIATE or DIRECT CONNECT, but values are relevant to the local session only, and do not represent the global last identity in the distributed session.