C. Features Introduced in OpenROAD 5.1 : New Features : XML Support : New XML System Classes
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New XML System Classes
OpenROAD provides nine new classes for generating and parsing arbitrary XML files. No additional UserClasses or external classes are required. XML documents (URLs or files) are parsed into their tree-based object structure. The new system classes are:
Represents an attribute of an XML element—a name/value pair, which is part of an XML element start tag
Represents a CDATA section within an XML element. It is delimited by “<![CDATA[” and “]]>” tags in an XML document.
Represents a comment within an XML element. It is delimited by “<!--” and “-->” tags in an XML document.
Reads and creates XML documents. It provides methods to create and parse XML documents. This class can represent an XML document in a tree-like object structure in memory. Additional low-level methods are provided to write documents without populating this object structure.
Represents an XML element, which is delimited by its starting and ending tags in an XML document
Represents a content part of an XML document
Represents a processing instruction within an XML element. It is delimited by the “<?” and “?>” tags within an XML document and has a target name different from “xml.”
Provides methods for adding and removing schemas to the cache, which can be used to validate XML documents
Represents an untagged text part within an XML element
For complete information about these XML system classes, their attributes, and methods, see the Language Reference Guide and the System Reference Summary.