6. Upgrading from OpenROAD 5.1 : Phase 4: Go Live
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Phase 4: Go Live
Actian does not support using OpenROAD 6.0 to run OpenROAD 5.1 application images.
Individual organizations will have their own rollout mechanisms for OpenROAD applications. These must take into account that Actian does not currently support the installation of multiple copies of OpenROAD 6.0 on a single computer (unless individualized within virtual machines). OpenROAD 6.0 can co-exist with an OpenROAD 6.0, 5.1, 5.0, or 4.1 installation on a single computer.
In every other respect, a live environment appropriate for OpenROAD 5.1 deployment is appropriate for OpenROAD 6.0 deployment except for changing the II_CHARSET to UTF8 if upgrading to a UTF8/Unicode environment.
Installing OpenROAD 6.0 does not require uninstalling OpenROAD 5.1. However, for rollback you will need to uninstall OpenROAD 6.0 before reinstalling OpenROAD 5.1 on the client.
Other considerations, such as archiving the means to recreate a fully functioning OpenROAD 5.1 environment so that you can recover after an unsuccessful rollout, have already been highlighted.