3. Programming Frames : How You Can Invoke Frames : Pop-up Frames : A Simpler Process for Creating Information and Reply Pop-ups
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A Simpler Process for Creating Information and Reply Pop-ups
The OpenROAD message and prompt statements provide an alternative process for opening Information and Reply pop‑up frames, respectively. These frames function identically to the pop-up frames you open with the InfoPopup and ReplyPopup methods.
The OpenROAD message statement opens an Information pop‑up frame that displays a specified message. The syntax of the message statement is:
message varchar_expression
The OpenROAD prompt statement opens a Reply pop‑up frame that displays an entry field with the specified message as a prompt. You specify the variable name in which to store the user's response. The syntax of the prompt statement is:
variable = prompt varchar_expression
Specifies any varchar variable in the frame
Contains any variables, constants, or expressions