7. ASOLib—OpenROAD Server Library : XML Parameters for Use with GSCPs : How You Can Retrieve XML from a GSCP
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How You Can Retrieve XML from a GSCP
If you want the returned parameter data to be in XML format, specify a string variable named b_so_xml in the by-reference PDO. In the example, the client VB code would look like this:
Set byrefPDO = CreateObject("OpenROAD.ParameterData")
byrefPDO.DeclareAttribute "b_so_xml", "STRING"
After the GSCP is called, string variable b_so_xml will contain an XML document generated from the 4GL method's parameter names and values. The XML returned will contain a DTD detailing the structure of the XML. It will not contain an XML processing instruction as the first line; this is deliberate and allows the client to more easily specify any XSLT transformations.
Sample Output:
Sample output from the scp_GetAuthorAndBooks call follows:
<!DOCTYPE scp_getauthorandbooks [
   <!ELEMENT   scp_getauthorandbooks  (p_i_author_id*, b_UCAuthor*,
    <!ELEMENT   p_i_author_id  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT   b_UCAuthor  (i_age, i_id, v_name)>
    <!ELEMENT   i_age  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT   i_id  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT   v_name  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT   b_arr_UCBooks  (arr_ucedition*, v_title, ucauthor?)>
    <!ELEMENT   arr_ucedition  (i_issue_no, i_year, m_cost, ucpublisher?)>
    <!ELEMENT   i_issue_no  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT   i_year  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT   m_cost  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT   ucpublisher  (v_name)>
    <!ELEMENT   v_title  (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT   ucauthor  (i_age, i_id, v_name)>
            <m_cost>               $5.99</m_cost>
                <v_name>Raven &amp; Wolf Publishing</v_name>
        <v_title>Horror Stories</v_title>
            <m_cost>               $5.99</m_cost>
                <v_name>Raven &amp; Wolf Publishing</v_name>
            <m_cost>               $6.99</m_cost>
                <v_name>Raven &amp; Wolf Publishing</v_name>
        <v_title>More Horror Stories</v_title>