2. OpenROAD Server Architecture Overview : OpenROAD Architectural Overview : OpenROAD Server Overview : OpenROAD Server Clients
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OpenROAD Server Clients
Several types of OpenROAD Server clients are supported. A brief description of these clients follows.
OpenROAD Server Java Client
Enables a Java application to access business logic resident in the OpenROAD Server. The Java classes provided wrap the underlying OpenROAD Server COM interface used to access the OpenROAD Server.
This interface effectively makes the OpenROAD 4GL business logic hosted by the OpenROAD Server appear as Java classes.
OpenROAD Server .NET Client
Enables Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR) applications to access business logic resident in the OpenROAD Server. The .NET classes provided wrap the underlying OpenROAD Server COM interface to access the OpenROAD Server.
This interface effectively makes the OpenROAD 4GL business logic hosted by the OpenROAD Server appear as .NET classes.
OpenROAD Server COM Client
Enables Microsoft COM applications to access business logic resident in the OpenROAD Server. These COM objects provided access the OpenROAD Server.
This interface effectively makes the OpenROAD 4GL business logic hosted by the OpenROAD Server appear as COM objects. This component also provides the underlying connectivity for all the other OpenROAD Server clients.
OpenROAD Client or eClient
Enables access to business logic resident in the OpenROAD Server. OpenROAD client applications access the 4GL business logic using the OpenROAD RemoteServer system class.
OpenROAD HTTP Client
Enables access to a J2EE or IIS web server that has the OpenROAD Server Client .NET Client interface or the OpenROAD Server Java Client interface installed. Either a Java Server Page (JSP) or ASP.NET client is then used to access the OpenROAD Server 4GL business logic. This interface uses HTTP to call the OpenROAD Server.
Note:  Although the client uses HTTP to access the OpenROAD Server through a web server port (typically 80 or 443) and can be accessed from outside a firewall, the web server must be inside the firewall so that it can access the OpenROAD Server using COM or DCOM requests.