2. OpenROAD Server Architecture Overview : OpenROAD Architectural Overview : OpenROAD Server Components : OpenROAD Server Controller
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OpenROAD Server Controller
The SPO is started by a special OpenROAD Server client called the OpenROAD Server Controller.
The orsposvc process runs as a Windows service. When the service starts, this process will start up and send an Initiate request to the OpenROAD Server Pooler SPO. When the service is stopped, a shutdown message is sent to the SPO.
Linux and UNIX—orspstart and orspostop
The orspostart process runs as a daemon process. A process called orspostop will send a message to the orspostart process to cause it to shut down the SPO.
The OpenROAD Server Controller must be the first OpenROAD client to connect to the SPO. If the OpenROAD Server Controller terminates abnormally or is killed, the SPO will eventually shut down after the last client disconnects. The SPO will refuse the first connection from a client if it does not identify itself as an OpenROAD Server Controller.