6. Managing and Monitoring the OpenROAD Server : Name Server Node : Display Name Server Details : Summary Snapshot Fields
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Summary Snapshot Fields
The following are fields in the Summary Snapshot section of the Name Server details pane. For more information about how to view or edit these fields, see Display Name Server Details (see Display Name Server Details).
Trace Interval
Indicates the frequency with which summary snapshots are written to the SPO trace file. Anything less than one minute will fill up the trace file quickly and will have a negative impact on SPO performance. This value does not affect the logging of creation events, destruction events, or error events. It determines only the frequency of snapshots of the performance counters.
Trace Level
Turns SPO tracing on or off:
Specifies that a Trace File Name must be specified
Specifies that a Trace File Name need not be specified
Trace File Name
Indicates the full path name of the SPO trace file to use. It is written to only if Trace Level is on.
Trace File Append
Indicates whether the trace file can be appended to or overwritten:
Specifies that the trace file can be appended or overwritten
Specifies that the trace file may not be appended or overwritten
Note:  The SPO configuration values are read only once when the SPO starts. The SPO can be stopped and restarted by stopping and restarting the OpenROAD Server service (orsposvc).