7. ASOLib—OpenROAD Server Library : ASOLib User Classes : uc_name_server_client Class
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uc_name_server_client Class
Use uc_name_server_client from an OpenROAD client only. Use this user class to connect the OpenROAD client to an OpenROAD Server application that is registered with the OpenROAD Server Name Server. A system variable of this class, ASONameServer, is available.
To connect to an OpenROAD Server application, the full RemoteServer.Initiate() connection signature (imagefilename, flags, type, location) could be specified. This user class simplifies the process of connecting to a registered OpenROAD Server application and means that client programmers need not specify the full connection signature. The client program requests a connection to an application by name rather than by its connection signature. When multiple ASOs are registered with the same name, connection balancing is attempted.
Name Server details are registered and maintained using the Server Manager.
Use this class to make a connection in a single step, or obtain the connection signature and check or amend it before using it to make a connection.
By default, system variables CurRemoteServer and OSCA are used, and can be overridden.
Rs (see Rs Attribute)
UCAKADetail (see UCAkaDetail Attribute)
UCOSCA (see UCOSCA Attribute)
v_name (see v_name Attribute)
Connect (see Connect Method)
GetConnectionDetails (see GetConnectionDetails Method)