16. Managing and Deploying Applications : How You Can Generate Reports for Applications and Components : Document Imaged Applications Using the QueryImage Utility
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Document Imaged Applications Using the QueryImage Utility
The QueryImage utility produces a report containing the following information about a binary image file:
The name and properties of the application in the file (and any included applications)
The names and properties of the components in each application
The easiest method of accessing the QueryImage utility is from the Develop tab.
To use the QueryImage utility
1. Click the Develop tab.
2. Click Project, Query.
The Query Image File dialog appears.
3. Select the image file you want to query, and set parameters.
See the descriptions for each of these parameters in Parameters for QueryImage (see Parameters for the QueryImage Utility).
4. Click Go.
Note:  QueryImage can be accessed from the Start menu or command prompt as described in Command Line Method for Documenting an Application Image (see Command Line Method for Documenting an Application Image).