Applies to
Sets or returns the contents of a control’s current record buffer. The record buffer is the raw record data retrieved by Pervasive PSQL.
object.Buffer(short alignment)
The Buffer property syntax has these parts:
Data is read from and written to the current record buffer. On a read operation, this property returns an OLE Variant containing a byte array representation of the current record buffer. On a write operation, it takes an OLE Variant which contains a byte array to be written to the current record buffer. Changes made to this property are not saved in the Btrieve file until a successful Update or Insert method is invoked.
The buffer that is returned is the single record buffer only; it will not contain the contents of the status buffer after a Stat call, nor will it contain an extended operations record buffer after an extended operations call. This information is available through other properties and methods (see Stat, RowColumnValue, and RowPosition). The Clear method will clear this buffer.
Certain programming environments allow or require specific byte alignment for structured variables. The alignment parameter enables you to specify the byte alignment to be used for individual fields within the record.
This property is not available at design time.
  cElements As Long
  lLbound As Long
End Type
  cDims As Integer
  fFeatures As Integer
  cbElements As Long
  cLocks As Long
  pvData As Long
End Type
Public Type Buffer
  msa_desc As String * 34
  population As Long
  prev_population As Long
End Type
Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "KERNEL32" Alias _ "RtlMoveMemory" (pDest As Any, pSrc As Any, ByVal _ ByteLen As Long)
Declare Function VarPtrArray Lib "msvbvm50.dll" _ Alias "VarPtr" (Ptr() As Any) As Long
Public Sub ReadData()
  Dim i as integer
  Dim dataArray() as Buffer
  Dim byteArray() as Byte
  Redim dataArray(VAccess1.TotalRecords)
  For i = 0 to VAccess1.TotalRecords-1
    ByteArray = VAccess1.Buffer(4)
    DataArray(i) = GetBuffer(byteArray)
  Next i
End Sub
Public Function GetBuffer(bufferArray() As Byte) _
as Buffer
  Dim status As Integer
  Dim saPtr As Long
  Dim saStruct As SAFEARRAY
  Dim record as Buffer
  'get the address of safearray structure
  CopyMemory saPtr, ByVal VarPtrArray(bufferArray),_ 4
  'copy the safearray structure
  CopyMemory saStruct, ByVal saPtr, Len(saStruct)
  'copy the data array into our structure
  CopyMemory record, ByVal saStruct.pvData, BufferSize(saStruct)
  GetBuffer = record
End Function
See Also
Affected by: Clear, GetDirect, GetEqual, GetGreaterOrEqual, GetLessOrEqual, GetFirst, GetPrevious, GetNext, GetLast, StepFirst, StepPrevious, StepNext, StepLast, Percentage.