Applies to
Setting this property at run time determines whether the record set results of the next extended fetch operation performed will include the current record or will begin with the subsequent record.
Setting the value of this property to True will begin the next extended fetch operation at the current record position in the file (equivalent to setting the “UC” constant in a Pervasive PSQL extended fetch API record request structure). Setting the value of this property to False will begin the next extended fetch operation at the subsequent record position in the file (equivalent to setting the “EG” constant in a Pervasive PSQL extended fetch API record request structure). This property is automatically set to True after the Init method is invoked, and is automatically reset to False after the first extended fetch operation following the Init.
The ExtendedOps property must be set to True to enable the extended operations capabilities of the VAccess control.
See Also
Affects: GetNextExtended, GetPreviousExtended, StepNextExtended, StepPreviousExtended
Affected by: ExtendedOps, Init, GetNextExtended, GetPreviousExtended, StepNextExtended, StepPreviousExtended