Using Connection Strings with the ADO.NET Data Provider
You can define the behavior of a connection using a connection string or the properties of the PsqlConnection object. However, values set in the connection string cannot be changed by the connection properties.
The basic format of a connection string includes a series of keyword/value pairs separated by semicolons. The following example shows the keywords and values for a simple connection string for the Pervasive PSQL ADO.NET Data Provider:
"Server DSN=SERVERDEMO;Host=localhost"
See Using Connection Strings for guidelines on specifying connection strings.
See Table 31 for a description of the supported connection string options.
Constructing a Connection String
PsqlConnectionStringBuilder property names are the same as the connection string option names. However, the connection string option name can consist of multiple words, with required spaces between the words. For example, the Min Pool Size connection string option is equivalent to the MinPoolSize property. Table 31 lists the connection string properties, and describes each property.
The connection string options have the form:
option name=value
Each connection string option value pair is separated by a semicolon. The following example shows the keywords and values for a simple connection string for the ADO.NET data provider:
"Server DSN=SERVERDEMO;Host=localhost"