Overview of Distributed Tuning Interface
The purpose of Distributed Tuning Interface (DTI) is to provide an application programming interface for configuration, monitoring, and diagnostics of Pervasive components.
*Note: For brevity, throughout the rest of this manual Distributed Tuning Interface is referred to by as DTI.
String Arguments Encoding
A user application uses the client’s OS encoding at the API level. DTI handles internally the differences between OS encodings on the server and client.
If an older client is communicating with the server, the database engine assumes that the client is using an encoding compatible with those available on the server.
API Categories
The categories of available APIs are summarized in Table 2, DTI Function Groups.
Execution Privileges
Generally, you want your DTI application to be able to call any of the DTI functions and view or modify all configuration settings. To ensure this full access, connect to the server by providing a name and password of a user with administrative level privileges on the server machine. This applies if the DTI application is running locally through a Terminal Services session or running remotely. An application running locally can omit the user name and password and still be able call any of the DTI functions and view or modify all configuration settings. See Making a Connection to a Server Using DTI.
Without administrator level privileges, an application running locally through a Terminal Services session or running remotely returns an access error for most of the DTI functions. Only a subset of the functions work. For example, many of the functions that can modify configuration settings when full access is permitted are restricted to read-only access.