DtoDictionary Object
An object representing a Pervasive dictionary. This object is deprecated in favor of DtoDatabase Object. DtoDictionary can still be used only if you can specify the path to the dictionary on the Open method.
DtoTables Collection
Open method
Create method
Close method
AddTable method
DropTable method
Reload method
Delete method
All of the operations affecting dictionary files have to be done through this object. The user can open a dictionary, create a dictionary, get table information add a table or drop a table using this object.
*Note: If instantiating this object using ASP or if you use the CreateObject method in Visual Basic, the progid of DtoDictionary is "DTO.DtoDictionary.2" for DTO2, or “DTO.DtoDictionary.1” for DTO version 1. See DTO2 for more information on the differences between the two versions.
Dim result as DtoResult
Dim dictionary as New DtoDictionary
result = dictionary.Open("d:\MyDemodata")
See Also
DtoTables Collection
DtoTable Object
Methods Detail
Open method
Opens a set of data dictionary files using either a database name or a dictionary path.
result = Object.Open(path, [user], [password])
Return Values
*Note: The path argument may either contain a path to the directory containing the DDF files or it can use a name of the database contained in the local DBNAMES.CFG. See DtoDatabases Collection in order to create and maintain database names.
This operation is used in order to open a set of dictionary files. This set must contain FILE.DDF, INDEX.DDF and FIELD.DDF. It may also contain a number of optional DDF files. Remember to call the Close method to free memory. Once the dictionary set is opened no one else can make changes to it until the Close method is called.
More information on the errors returned by the method can be obtained using the Error property of the DtoSession Object.
Dim dictionary as new DtoDictionary
Dim result as DtoResult
result = dictionary.Open("d:\MyDemodata")
Create method
Creates an empty set of data dictionary files.
result = Object.Create(path, [user], [password])
Return Values
If the directory contained in path argument does not exist, an attempt will be made to create it. If operation is successful a set containing file.ddf, field.ddf, index.ddf will be created.
Remember to call Close method to free memory. Once the dictionary set is created other clients cannot open it or make changes to it until Close method is called.
More information on the errors returned by the method can be obtained using the Error property. Unlike Open method the path parameter can only contain an absolute path.
Dim Dictionary As New DtoDictionary
Dim result as DtoResult
result = Dictionary.Create("C:\TEST", "login", "password")
If NOT result = Dto_Success Then
MsgBox "Error"+ Session.Error(result)
End If
Close method
Closes a set of data dictionary files. Opened using Open method or created using Create method.
result = Object.Close
Return Values
Call this method after the dictionary has been opened using Open method or created using Create method. Error information can be obtained using Error property.
Dim dictionary as new DtoDictionary
Dim result as DtoResult
result = dictionary.Open("d:\MyDemodata")
’ perform operations here
result = dictionary.Close
AddTable method
Adds table information to data dictionary files and creates a data file to match the definition.
*Note: In the same directory, no two files should share the same file name and differ only in their file name extension. For example, do not create a data file Invoice.btr and another one Invoice.mkd in the same directory. This restriction applies because the database engine uses the file name for various areas of functionality while ignoring the file name extension. Since only the file name is used to differentiate files, files that differ only in their file name extension look identical to the database engine.
result = Object.AddTable(table)
Return Values
This method adds the table definition to the ddf files and attempts to create the data file specified in Location property of table. If Location property is left blank then this method will attempt to create a data file named tableName.mkd. If a table with such name already exists a number will be appended to the name and another attempt will be made.
In order for this operation to complete successfully at least one column must be defined.
The following example shows how to create a dictionary object and then add a table to it.
Dim Dictionary As New DtoDictionary
Dim Table As DtoTable
Dim Tables As DtoTables
Dim result As dtoResult
Dim Columns As DtoColumns
Dim Indexes As DtoIndexes
Dim Column As DtoColumn
Dim Index As DtoIndex
Dim Segments As DtoSegments
Dim Segment As DtoSegment
result = Dictionary.Create("C:\TEST", "login", "password")
If NOT result = Dto_Success Then
MsgBox "Error"+ Session.Error(result)
End If
' ******* Begin AddTable *******************
Set Table = New DtoTable
Set Column = New DtoColumn
With Column
.Decimal = 0
.Flags = dtoColumnNullable
.ISR = ""
.Name = "F_Int"
.Number = 0
.Size = 4
.Type = dtoTypeInteger
End With
Table.Columns.Add Column
Set Column = New DtoColumn
With Column
.Decimal = 4
.Flags = dtoColumnNullable + dtoColumnCaseInsensitive
.ISR = ""
.Name = "F_Str"
.Number = 1
.Size = 55
.Type = dtoTypeLString
End With
Table.Columns.Add Column
Set Column = New DtoColumn
With Column
.Decimal = 4
.Flags = dtoColumnCaseInsensitive
.ISR = ""
.Name = "F_Str_Second"
.Number = 2
.Size = 100
.Type = dtoTypeLString
End With
Table.Columns.Add Column
Set Column = New DtoColumn
With Column
.Decimal = 10
.Flags = dtoColumnDefault
.ISR = ""
.Name = "F_Float"
.Number = 3
.Size = 8
.Type = dtoTypeBFloat
End With
Table.Columns.Add Column
'Add Indexes
Set Index = New DtoIndex
result = Index.AddSegment("F_Int", 0)
Set Segment = New DtoSegment
Segment.Number = 0
Segment.ColumnName = "F_Int"
Segment.Flags = dtoSegmentAscending
Index.Segments.Add Segment
Index.Name = "FintInd"
Index.Number = 0
Index.Flags = dtoIndexModifiable
Table.Indexes.Add Index
'Add second Index:
Set Index = New DtoIndex
Set Segment = New DtoSegment
Segment.Number = 0
Segment.ColumnName = "F_Str"
Segment.Flags = dtoSegmentAscending
Index.Segments.Add Segment
Set Segment = New DtoSegment
Segment.Number = 1
Segment.ColumnName = "F_Str_Second"
Segment.Flags = dtoSegmentAscending
Index.Segments.Add Segment
Index.Name = "FStrTagInd"
Index.Number = 1
Index.Flags = dtoIndexModifiable
Table.Indexes.Add Index
Table.Overwrite = true
Table.Flags = dtoTableTrueNullable
Table.Name = "Table3"
result = Dictionary.AddTable(Table)
If NOT result = Dto_Success Then
MsgBox "Error"+ Session.Error(result)
End If
DropTable method
Remove a table from the current dictionary.
result = Object.DropTable(tableName, [deleteFile])
Return Values
Note that the dictionary has to be opened successfully for this operation to succeed.
result = Dictionary.DropTable("Table3", true)
If NOT result = Dto_Success Then
MsgBox "Error"+ Session.Error(result)
End If
Reload method
Refreshes a dictionary object.
result = Object.Reload
Return Values
Delete method
Deletes dictionary object and the corresponding DDF files.
result = Object.Delete
Return Values