Advanced Connection Attributes for Client DSN
*Note: These connection attributes apply both to 32-bit Client DSNs and to 64-bit DSNs.
Enable Array Fetch
An array fetch is a memory cache on the client machine for result sets. When array fetch is enabled, data from the latest result set is cached to the client machine’s local memory, thereby speeding performance on subsequent queries. We recommend you leave array fetch “On” if you will be doing multiple queries.
The default size of the buffer used to cache array fetches is 8KB. You can set it anywhere between 1 and 64 KB.
TCP/IP Port Number
You can use this setting to change the network port number on which Pervasive PSQL transmits ODBC communications. The network layer on the server engine has a similar setting. You must change both settings at the same time, and you must change them both to the same port number, or else your client and server cannot communicate.
*Caution: Do not change the client port number unless you also change the corresponding port number on the server. If the server and client are not using the same port number, they cannot communicate. See TCP/IP Port in Advanced Operations Guide.
Generally, the only reason you would need to change this port number is if you have another network service that is already using this port, and it is easier to change the port number for your Pervasive PSQL applications than for the other application.
For additional information about ports, see Changing the Default Communication Ports in Getting Started With Pervasive PSQL.
Encoding Translation
The encoding translation options are the same as for the Engine DSN. See Encoding Translation.