Grammar Element Definitions
The following is an alphabetical summary of the element definitions used in the grammar syntax section:
alter-options ::= alter-option-list1 | alter-option-list2
alter-option-list1 ::= alter-option |(alter-option [, alter-option ]...)
alter-option ::= ADD [ COLUMN ] column-definition
| ADD table-constraint-definition
| ALTER [ COLUMN ] column-definition
| DROP [ COLUMN ] column-name
| DROP CONSTRAINT constraint-name
| MODIFY [ COLUMN ] column-definition
alter-option-list2 ::= PSQL_MOVE [ COLUMN ] column-name TO [ [ PSQL_PHYSICAL ] PSQL_POSITION ] new-column-position | RENAME COLUMN column-name TO new-column-name
as-or-semicolon ::= AS | ;
before-or-after ::= BEFORE | AFTER
call-arguments ::= positional-argument [ , positional-argument ]...
col-constraint ::= NOT NULL
| REFERENCES table-name [ ( column-name ) ] [ referential-actions ]
collation-name ::= 'string' | user-defined-name
column-constraint ::= [ CONSTRAINT constraint-name ] col-constraint
column-definition ::= column-name data-type [ DEFAULT Expression ] [ column-constraint [ column-constraint ]... [CASE | COLLATE collation-name ]
column-name ::= user-defined-name
commit-statement ::= see COMMIT statement
comparison-operator ::= < | > | <= | >= | = | <> | !=
constraint-name ::= user-defined-name
correlation-name ::= user-defined-name
cursor-name ::= user-defined-name
data-type ::= data-type-name [ (precision [ , scale ] ) ]
data-type-name ::= see Pervasive PSQL Supported Data Types
db-name ::= user-defined-name
Expression::= expression - expression
| expression + expression
| expression * expression
| expression / expression
| expression & expression
| expression | expression
| expression ^ expression
| ( expression )
| -expression
| +expression
| ~expression
| ?
| literal
| scalar-function
| { fn scalar-function }
literal ::= 'string'
| number
| { d 'date-literal' }
| { t 'time-literal' }
| { ts 'timestamp-literal' }
scalar-function :: = See Scalar Functions
expression-or-subquery ::= expression | ( query-specification )
fetch-orientation ::= NEXT
group-name ::= user-defined-name
index-definition ::= ( index-segment-definition [ , index-segment-definition ]... )
index-name ::= user-defined-name
index-number ::= user-defined-value (an integer between 0 and 118)
index-segment-definition ::= column-name [ ASC | DESC ]
ins-upd-del ::= INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE
insert-values ::= values-clause
| query-specification
join-definition ::= table-reference [ INNER ] JOIN table-reference ON search-condition
| table-reference CROSS JOIN table-reference
| outer-join-definition
label-name ::= user-defined-name
literal ::= 'string'
| number
| { d 'date-literal' }
| { t 'time-literal' }
| { ts 'timestamp-literal' }
order-by-expression ::= expression [ CASE | COLLATE collation-name ] [ ASC | DESC ]
outer-join-definition ::= table-reference outer-join-type JOIN table-reference
ON search-condition
outer-join-type ::= LEFT [ OUTER ]| RIGHT [ OUTER ] | FULL [ OUTER ]
parameter ::= parameter-type-name data-type [ DEFAULT proc-expr | = proc-expr ]
parameter-type-name ::= parameter-name
| parameter-type parameter-name
| parameter-name parameter-type
parameter-type ::= IN | OUT | INOUT | IN_OUT
parameter-name ::= [ : ] user-defined-name
password ::= user-defined-name | 'string'
positional-argument ::= expression
precision ::= integer
predicate ::= expression [ NOT ] BETWEEN expression AND expression
| expression comparison-operator expression-or-subquery
| expression [ NOT ] IN ( query-specification )
| expression [ NOT ] IN ( value [ , value ]... )
| expression [ NOT ] LIKE value
| expression IS [ NOT ] NULL
| expression comparison-operator ANY ( query-specification )
| expression comparison-operator ALL ( query-specification )
| EXISTS ( query-specification )
proc-expr ::= same as normal expression but does not allow IF expression, or ODBC-style scalar functions
proc-search-condition ::= same as normal search-condition, but does not allow any expression that includes a subquery.
proc-stmt ::= [ label-name : ] BEGIN [ ATOMIC ] [ proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ]... ] END [ label-name ]
| CALL procedure-name ( proc-expr [ , proc-expr ]... )
| CLOSE cursor-name
| DECLARE cursor-name CURSOR FOR select-statement [ FOR UPDATE | FOR READ ONLY ]
| DECLARE variable-name data-type [ DEFAULT proc-expr | = proc-expr ]
| delete-statement
| FETCH [ fetch-orientation [ FROM ] ] cursor-name [ INTO variable-name [ , variable-name ] ]
| IF proc-search-condition THEN proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ]... [ ELSE proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ]... ] END IF
| IF proc-search-condition proc-stmt [ELSE proc-stmt]
| insert-statement
| LEAVE label-name
| [ label-name : ] LOOP proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ]... END LOOP [ label-name ]
| OPEN cursor-name
| PRINT proc-expr [ , 'string' ]
| RETURN [ proc-expr ]
| transaction-statement
| select-statement-with-into
| select-statement
| SET variable-name = proc-expr
| SIGNAL [ ABORT ] sqlstate-value
| update-statement
| UPDATE SET column-name = proc-expr [ , column-name = proc-expr ]... WHERE CURRENT OF cursor-name
| [ label-name : ] WHILE proc-search-condition DO [ proc-stmt [ ; proc-stmt ] ]... END WHILE [ label-name ]
| [ label-name : ] WHILE proc-search-condition proc-stmt
| alter-table-statement
| create-index-statement
| create-table-statement
| create-view-statement
| drop-index-statement
| drop-table-statement
| drop-view-statement
| grant-statement
| revoke-statement
| set-statement
procedure-name ::= user-defined-name
public-or-user-group-name ::= PUBLIC | user-group-name
query-specification [ [ UNION [ ALL ] query-specification ]...
[ ORDER BY order-by-expression [ , order-by-expression ]... ] [ FOR UPDATE ]
query-specification ::= ( query-specification )
| SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] [ top-clause ] select-list
FROM table-reference [ , table-reference ]...
[ WHERE search-condition ]
[ GROUP BY expression [ , expression ]...
[ HAVING search-condition ] ]
referencing-alias ::= OLD [ AS ] correlation-name [ NEW [ AS ] correlation-name ]
| NEW [ AS ] correlation-name [ OLD [ AS ] correlation-name ]
referential-actions ::= referential-update-action [ referential-delete-action ]
| referential-delete-action [ referential-update-action ]
referential-update-action ::= ON UPDATE RESTRICT
referential-delete-action ::= ON DELETE CASCADE
release-statement ::= see RELEASE statement
result ::= user-defined-name data-type
rollback-statement ::= see ROLLBACK WORK statement
savepoint-name ::= user-defined-name
scalar-function ::= see Scalar Function list
scale ::= integer
search-condition ::= search-condition AND search-condition
| search-condition OR search-condition
| NOT search-condition
| ( search-condition )
| predicate
select-item ::= expression [ [ AS ] alias-name ] | table-name . *
select-list ::= * | select-item [ , select-item ]...
set-function ::= COUNT (*)
| COUNT ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression )
| SUM ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression )
| AVG ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression )
| MIN ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression )
| MAX ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression )
| STDEV ( [ DISTINCT | ALL ] expression )
sqlstate-value ::= 'string'
table-constraint-definition ::= [ CONSTRAINT constraint-name ] table-constraint
table-constraint ::= UNIQUE (column-name [ , column-name ]... )
| PRIMARY KEY ( column-name [ , column-name ]... )
| FOREIGN KEY ( column-name [ , column-name ] )
REFERENCES table-name
[ ( column-name [ , column-name ]... ) ]
[ referential-actions ]
table-element ::= column-definition
| table-constraint-definition
table-expression ::=
FROM table-reference [ , table-reference ]...
[ WHERE search-condition ]
[ GROUP BY expression [ , expression ]...
[ HAVING search-condition ]
table-name ::= user-defined-name
table-privilege ::= ALL
| SELECT [ ( column-name [ , column-name ]... ) ]
| UPDATE [ ( column-name [ , column-name ]... ) ]
| INSERT [ ( column-name [ , column-name ]... ) ]
table-reference ::= { OJ outer-join-definition }
| [db-name.]table-name [ [ AS ] alias-name ]
| join-definition
| ( join-definition )
table-subquery ::= query-specification [ [ UNION [ ALL ]
query-specification ]... ][ ORDER BY order-by-expression [ , order-by-expression ]... ]
transaction-statement ::= commit-statement
| rollback-statement
| release-statement
trigger-name ::= user-defined-name
user_and_password ::= user-name [ : ] password
user-group-name ::= user-name | group-name
user-name ::= user-defined-name
value ::= literal | USER | ?
value-list ::= ( value [ , value ]... )
values-clause ::= DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES ( expression [ , expression ]... )
variable-name ::= user-defined-name
view-name ::= user-defined-name
SQL Statement List
SqlStatementList is defined as:
Statement ';' | SqlStatementList ';'
Statement ::= StatementLabel ':' Statement
|BEGIN ... END block
|CALL Statement
|COMMIT Statement
|DECLARE Variable Statement
|DELETE Statement
|FETCH Statement
|IF Statement
|INSERT Statement
|LEAVE Statement
|LOOP Statement
|OPEN Statement
|PRINT Statement
|RETURN Statement
|ROLLBACK Statement
|SAVEPOINT Statement
|SELECT Statement
|SET Statement
|SIGNAL Statement
|UPDATE Statement
|WHILE Statement
A predicate is defined as:
Expression CompareOperator Expression
|Expression [ NOT ] BETWEEN Expression AND Expression
|Expression [ NOT ] LIKE StringLiteral
|Expression IS [ NOT ] NULL
|NOT Predicate
|Predicate AND Predicate
|Predicate OR Predicate
|'(' Predicate ')'CompareOperator ::= '=' | '>=' | '>' | '<=' | '<' | '<>' | '!='
|[ NOT ] IN value-list
An expression is defined as:
|CONVERT '(' Expression ',' DataType ')'
|'-' Expression
|Expression '+' Expression
|Expression '-' Expression
|Expression '*' Expression
|Expression '/' Expression
|Expression '&' Expression
|'~' Expression
|Expression '|' Expression
|Expression '^' Expression
|FunctionName '(' [ ExpressionList ] ')'
|'(' Expression')'
|'{' D StringLiteral '}'
|'{' T StringLiteral '}'
|'{' TS StringLiteral '}'
An expression list is defined as:
ExpressionList ::= Expression [ , Expression ... ]