Selection Lists
When you use a SELECT statement to retrieve data, you specify a list of columns (a selection list) to include in the result table. To retrieve all the columns in a table or tables, you can use an asterisk (*) instead of a list of columns.
*Note: Avoid using * in place of the list. Using * can expose an application to potential problems if the number of columns or column sizes in a table changes. Also, it typically returns unnecessary data.
The following example selects three columns from the Class table.
SELECT Name, Section, Max_Size
FROM Class;
The following example selects all columns from the Class table.
When retrieving data, PSQL displays column names based on how you specify the names in the query.
SELECT name, section, max_size FROM Class#
PSQL returns the column names as follows:
"Name", "Section", "Max_Size"
These column names are headings for the returned data; they are not data themselves.
The following example defines aliases for the tables Department and Faculty.
SELECT d.Name, f.ID FROM Department d, Faculty f;
PSQL returns the column names as follows:
"Name", "ID"
SELECT * FROM Department;
PSQL returns the column names as follows:
"Name", "Phone_Number", "Building_Name", "Room_Number", "Head_Of_Dept"
The following example defines aliases for the tables Department and Faculty.
SELECT * FROM Department d, Faculty f;
PSQL returns the column names as follows: