About This Manual
Basic Troubleshooting
databaseExplorer:PSQL Explorer%The PSQL Explorer is a tree of objects, such as engines, databases, tables, and users that can be viewed and managed in PCC.
GeneralPrefPage:General Preferences%General Preferences control removal of associated DSN entries and suppression of database prompting for SQL documents.
dataGridPrefPage:Data Grid Preferences%The Data Grid Preferences set the Grid display, including maximum column width, row numbers, and character trimming.
sqlEditorPrefPage:SQL Editor Preferences%The SQL Editor Preferences set SQL statement delimiters and editor characteristics such as number of words and lines to display.
tableEditorPrefPage:Table Editor Preferences%Table Editor Preferences set default colors for the table grid.
dataTextPrefPage:Text Output Preferences%The Data Text Preferences control the Text window display, including font, column width, and SQL script errors.
EncodingPrefPage:File Encoding Preferences%The File Encoding Preferences set the default file encoding to use for Open SQL Document, Close SQL Document, Export Table Schemas, Import Data, and Export Data.
externalToolsNewDialog:To Add External Tools%The External Tools dialog allows you to add software programs to the Tools menu as a convenient way to start them from PCC.
externalToolsPrefPage:External Tools Preferences%External Tools Preferences set the external tools to include with PCC.
servicesPropPage:Services on Windows Servers%Configuration settings for how the transactional and relational interfaces start based on the startup policy for the operating system.
newServerWizard:To Register a Remote Server Engine%PCC can communicate with database engines on remote machines by identifying them here.
dbCodePagePropPage:Database Code Page Properties%The Code Page properties set the code page for a database and the encoding that PCC uses to connect to a database.
dbDirectoriesPropPage:Database Directories Properties%The Directories property page sets the locations for data files and data dictionary files (DDFs).
dbGeneralPropPage:Database General Properties%The General property page sets database binding, enforcement of referential integrity, default metadata version, and encoding.
dbConstraintsPropPage:Database Relational Constraints%The Relational Constraints property page lists relational constraints in effect for the database.
dbSecurityPropPage:Database Security Properties%The Security property page sets security for the database and the security method for the transactional interface.
newDBWizard:New Database GUI Reference%PCC creates new databases based on these settings.
removeDSNDialog:To Delete a Database%When you delete a database, you may also remove the data source name (DSN) associated with it. You can set DSN removal as the default action.
tablePropPage:Table Properties%Read-only information about a table, including general properties, columns information, and indexes information.
exportSchema:Exporting a Schema for a Table or All Tables%Export Schema exports the schema for a specific table or for an entire database.
importData:Importing Data%Import Data reads delimited data from a text file and adds the data to a table based on import settings.
exportData:Exporting Data%Export Data writes data from a table to a delimited text file based on export settings.
newGroupWizard:To Create a New Group%For security, PCC can enforce permissions for groups. Users belonging to a group have group rather than individual permissions.
newUserWizard:To Create a New User%For security, PCC can set permissions for individual users.
groupPermPropPage:To Assign Permissions for a Group%For security, PCC can set group permissions for databases, tables, columns, stored procedures, or views for users who are members of a group.
userPermPropPage:To Assign Permissions for a User%For security, PCC can set individual user permissions for databases, tables, columns, stored procedures, or views for users who are not members of a group.
OpenSQLDoc:Open SQL Document with Selected Encoding%Open SQL Document is an alternative dialog that allows you to change the file encoding during the open action.
tableEditorIndexPage:Indexes Page%The Indexes page is a work area in Table Editor for indexes and index segments.
tableEditorForeignKeyPage:Foreign Keys Page%The Foreign Keys page is a work area in Table Editor for foreign keys.
tableEditorColumnPage:Columns Page%The Columns page is a work area in Table Editor for table columns.
newTableWizard:To Start Table Editor for a New Table%PCC can create a new table based on settings chosen in this wizard.
sqlEditor:SQL Editor%SQL Editor is a window in PCC for running Structured Query Language (SQL) statements against a PSQL database.
dataGridView:Data Grid View%The Grid uses a spreadsheet format to show results returned by SQL SELECT statements
sqlOutlineView:SQL Outline View%The Outline window is a view in PCC to manage and run SQL statements in a tree structure.
dataGridAddRowsDialog:To Add Rows of Data to the Grid%The Grid allows you to directly change database data by changing values in existing grid cells or by adding rows to the table.