1. Installing Vector : Installing Vector for Linux : Configuring the High Availability Option for Red Hat Cluster Suite : Set up the Cluster Service
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Set up the Cluster Service
To set up the cluster service for the Vector database, follow these steps:
1. Install Vector onto a shared disk, visible to all nodes to be used for failover:
$ sudo -s
$ II_HOSTNAME=localhost ./install.sh HA /sharedisk1/VectorHA
2. Generate and install RC service scripts:
$ source ~/.ingXXsh
$ mkrc
$ su -c "$II_SYSTEM/ingres/utility/mkrc -i"
Management Server for Actian Director (optional)
$ source ~/.ingXXsh
$ mkrc -s iimgmtsvc
$ su -c "$II_SYSTEM/ingres/utility/mkrc -s iimgmtsvc -i"
3. Generate and install HA failover script:
$ source ~/.ingXXsh
$ mkrc -s ha
$ su -c "$II_SYSTEM/ingres/utility/mkrc -s ha -i"
4. For each node in the cluster, copy the installation environment script to the 'actian' home directory and repeat steps 2 and 3:
$ scp ~/.ingXXsh clusternode2:/home/actian
The cluster service is configured.