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Actian Data Platform Database Instances Console
 Early Adoption Program—EAP 
Here are the primary features of the Database Instances page of the Actian Data Platform console.
Related topics:
To set your storage account connection, see Set Up Access Credentials for Cloud Storage Accounts and Grant Access to Warehouse or Database for External Tables Access.
To create, update, or disable public RSA keys for DBA access, see Manage Public RSA Keys for Database Administrator Access.
To manage databases, see Warehouse and Database Management.
To add or remove IP addresses that can access the database, see Update Allow List IP Addresses.
To start or stop databases and learn more about automatic idle warehouse stop, see Stop and Start Databases.
To monitor your database, see Monitor Databases.
To learn more about Query Editor, see Overview of the Query Editor.
Last modified date: 12/12/2024