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Command Palette Reference
In a query document, when you click within words or select them, all matching words are highlighted throughout the query. Right-clicking the mouse displays a context menu. Selecting the Command Palette opens a dialog that you can search for commands to execute. These commands are available:
Keyboard Shortcut
Add Cursor Above
Ctrl + Alt + UpArrow
Add Cursor Below
Ctrl + Alt + DownArrow
Add Cursor to Line Ends
Shift + Alt + I
Add Line Comment
Ctrl + K Ctrl + C
Add Selection to Next Find Match
Ctrl + D
Copy Line Down
Shift + Alt + DownArrow
Copy Line Up
Shift + Alt + UpArrow
Cursor Undo
Ctrl + U
Delete Line
Ctrl + Shift + K
Expand Selection
Shift + Alt + RightArrow
Ctrl + F
Find Next
Ctrl + F Enter
Find Next Selection
Ctrl + F3
Find Previous
Shift + Enter
Find Previous Selection
Ctrl + Shift + F3
Ctrl + Shift + [
Fold All
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 0
Fold All Block Comments
Ctrl + K Ctrl + /
Fold All Regions
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 8
Fold Level 1
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 1
Fold Level 2
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 2
Fold Level 3
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 3
Fold Level 4
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 4
Fold Level 5
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 5
Fold Level 6
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 6
Fold Level 7
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 7
Fold Recursively
Ctrl + K Ctrl + [
Go to Bracket
Ctrl + Shift + \
Go to Line
Ctrl + G
Go to Next Problem (Error, Warning, Info)
Alt + F8
Go to Next Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)
Go to Previous Problem (Error, Warning, Info)
Shift + Alt + F8
Go to Previous Problem in Files (Error, Warning, Info)
Shift + F8
Indent Line
Ctrl + ]
Insert Line Above
Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Insert Line Below
Ctrl + Enter
Move Last Selection to Next Find Match
Ctrl + K Ctrl + D
Move Line Down
Alt + DownArrow
Move Line Up
Alt + UpArrow
Outdent Line
Ctrl + [
Remove Line Comments
Ctrl + K Ctrl + U
Ctrl + H
Replace with Next Value
Ctrl + Shift + .
Replace with Previous Value
Ctrl + shift + ,
Select All Occurances of Find Match
Ctrl + Shift + L
Show Accessibility Help
Alt + F1
Show Editor Context Menu
Shift + F10
Show Hover
Ctrl + K Ctrl + I
Shrink Selection
Shift + Alt + LeftArrow
Toggle Tab Key Move Focus
Ctrl + M
Toggle Block Comment
Shift + Alt + A
Toggle Fold
Ctrl + K Ctrl + L
Toggle Line Comment
Ctrl + /
Trigger Sugget
Ctrl + Space
Trim Trailing White Space
Ctrl + K Ctrl + X
Ctrl + Shift + ]
Unfold All
Ctrl + Shift + J
Unfold All Regions
Ctrl + K Ctrl + 9
Unfold Recursively
Ctrl + K Ctrl + ]
Last modified date: 12/12/2024