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Database Monitoring Services
 Early Adoption Program—EAP 
These are the monitoring services:
DBMS Processes -> Needs doc writeup
Lock Waits -> Needs doc writeup
Transaction Log -> Needs doc writeup
OS Load Average -> Needs doc writeup
OS Memory -> Needs doc writeup
Displays the available services. Clicking on a link displays the service’s page.
Displays the Check a Service.
Last Checked
The clock time of the previous service check attempt. This time is always updated regardless of the returned status.
Displays the number of the attempted service status checks/maximum number of attempts. 1/1 means an alert is raised as soon as a service check returns a status other than OK. 1/5 means an alert would not be raised unless 5 consecutive service checks returned a status other than OK and the first number would count the number of attempts, that is, it would read 1/5 then 2/5 until 5/5, when an alert is raised.
Status Information
Returns basic information checked for properly operational criteria, but also may contain additional details important to resolving potential problems as reported by Warning and Critical statuses.
Clicking the icon opens the service’s Graph tab.
Last modified date: 12/12/2024