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Google Cloud and AWS AV-2 Query History
Start Time
The time the query started to run
The query text
The duration of the query’s run time, in milliseconds
Row Count
The number of rows the query returned
Hover message displaying the username of the user who ran the query. This text cannot be searched on.
Query ID
Hover message displaying the internal query ID number of the query. This text cannot be searched on.
Query Name
Hover message displaying the text name of the saved query. This text cannot be searched on.
To display query history
1. In the left pane, click the Query History link.
The Query History panel opens, displaying any queries that have been run. If you have run no queries, the list will be empty.
2. Expand the panel to full screen by clicking the << link.
3. To filter the displayed queries list:
a. Enter text in the Search field. You can search on this information:
Query text
Duration numbers (without “ms”)
Row count numbers
The history list is updated with queries that match your specified criteria.
b. Select a date range from the date field:
c. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and switch pages:
4. Shrink the Query History panel by clicking the >> link.
Last modified date: 02/04/2025