Database User Guide EAP > Query Editor > Using the Query Editor > Working with Monitoring (imadb) Tables
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Working with Monitoring (imadb) Tables
For users to work with imadb tables, they must be assigned the IMA_SEC_READ Privilege.
Access to IMA (Ingres Management Architecture) tables enables users to view various real-time monitoring information. Only users who are assigned the useradmin profile have the privilege to read IMA tables. Any user may be assigned this profile; however, the profile also gives them user management privileges. At warehouse creation, the warehouse owner is automatically added to the useradmin profile and as a result will have read access to IMA tables.
Provides usage and performance measurements about DBMS server status such as server, selects processed, current connections, listen state, shutdown state, server state, last activity start, and last activity finish
Lists the current GCA connections (all active connections to DBMS server)
Lists locks, their status and session ID, and server process ID they belong to
Displays all the transactional resource locks held by the DBMS
Shows a log of transactions in the system, active and inactive
Lists the resources the locks are for
Lists connected DBMS server sessions for both users and the system
Provides the previous (last) query that was executed for a session. Combine with ima_server_sessions for complete information.
Provides additional information for each session, such as session ID, session start time, session state, wait reason, and current CPU consumption. This does not include X100-specific CPU use.
Restrictions on IMA Use
These are current restrictions within IMA:
The IMA supports full SQL but with the following restrictions:
There is no locking or lock ownership of IMA underlying objects.
There are no transactions for updates for IMA objects.
Updates take immediate action and cannot be rolled back.
All reads are “dirty.” This means that querying the same object may return different values because the data underlying the record could have changed.
Rule triggering is unreliable. Rules are not triggered when the value of an object changes in a way unknown through SQL. This occurs to IMA-related data as the installation operates. Thus, while updates that are performed through SQL can trigger rules, rule integrity cannot be guaranteed for IMA data.
The group of defined objects supplied with the imadb database is subject to change in subsequent releases.
A cluster installation is visible to IMA as the installations on each node within a domain.
Query Examples on IMA Tables
Selecting from IMA tables requires the IMA_SEC_READ privilege; otherwise 0 rows are returned.
Each example assumes it is being run in a new session.
What are user sessions doing?
The following SQL shows what user sessions are currently doing
where db_owner != '';
Who is waiting for a lock?
The following query shows which sessions are waiting for locks:
select distinct
where lock_state != 'GR'
and ima_locks.locklist_id = ima_locklists.locklist_id
and ima_locklists.locklist_server_pid = ima_server_sessions.server_pid
and ima_locklists.locklist_session_id = ima_server_sessions.session_id;
Who is holding a lock that other sessions need?
The following query shows which sessions are holding locks where other sessions are waiting:
select distinct
where resource_id in
       select distinct
       where lock_state != 'GR'
and lock_state != 'WT'
and ima_locks.locklist_id = ima_locklists.locklist_id
and ima_locklists.locklist_server_pid = ima_server_sessions.server_pid
and ima_locklists.locklist_session_id = ima_server_sessions.session_id;
When did a query start?
You can find out when a query started and how long it has been running.
This is start of execution, not parsing or optimization.
The start time is in seconds since 1-Jan-1900 00:00:00, known as a UNIX EPOCH value.
The time is not zeroed when the query ends.
To find out how long a query has been running, here is a sample SQL statement that shows you the longest running query in the system:
select server, db_name, session_query, (bigint((current_timestamp - timestamp_with_tz('1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00'))/interval '1' second) - query_start_secs) as elapsedsecs
from ima_server_sessions
where db_name not in ('', 'imadb')\g
If a query is finished, it will still show in the list. In this case you can join another table and ignore queries in BIO state:
select db_name, session_query, (bigint((current_timestamp - timestamp_with_tz('1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00'))/interval '1' second) - query_start_secs) as elapsedsecs
from ima_server_sessions s,ima_server_sessions_extra e
where s.session_id = e.session_id and s.effective_user != ''
    and (e.session_state != 'CS_EVENT_WAIT' or e.session_wait_reason != 'BIOR')
    and db_name not in ('', 'imadb')
The previous query will show you all queries that are actually running as opposed to those already run, finished, and waiting for user input (\q and so on).
Last modified date: 12/12/2024