Integrations Guide > Design > Expression Builder > Context Menu Options
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Context Menu Options
When you right-click on a block, a context menu is displayed. This menu provides additional actions that you can perform with the block.
The following table lists the different context menu options:
Block Category
Creates a copy of the selected block.
Add Comment
Allows you to add a small comment to the block.
To add a comment to a block
1. Right click the block.
2. Click Add Comment.
3. Click the icon that appears on the block.
A comment box is displayed.
4. Type your comment in the comment box.
5. Click the icon to close the comment box.
To view a comment
1. Click the icon that appears on the block.
A comment box is displayed from where you can read the comment.
2. Click the icon again to close the comment box.
Remove Comment
To remove a comment from a block
1. Right-click the block.
2. Click Remove Comment.
The comment and the icon is removed from the block.
Inline Inputs
Reorganizes the sub-blocks of the selected block in a straight line.
External Inputs
Reverts the straight line “Inline Inputs” organization of blocks.
Collapse Block
Collapses all the blocks in an expression to give you more space around the block.
Expand Block
Expands a block to its original shape.
Disable Block
Disables all the blocks of an expression. The expression is rendered unusable and the expression script is removed from the Expression cell of the Field.
Enable Block
Enables the disabled blocks of an expression. The expression script is added to the Expression cell of the Field.
Delete Block
Deletes the selected block. You can also delete a block by dragging it into the Bin ().
Delete n Blocks
Deletes all the blocks of an expression. Here “n” is the number of blocks.
Displays the help page related to the block.
Last modified date: 09/19/2024