Integrations Guide > Manage > Managing Agents and Devices
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Managing Agents and Devices
Agents provide a way to centrally manage on-premise integration jobs and their associated resources. They enable a secure cloud-to-on-premises communication without the need for complex firewall configurations or VPN setups. This makes it easier to manage integration tasks while ensuring data remains protected and accessible across environments.
Here are some situations where you might need to use an agent:
Database connections: If you need to connect to a database that requires special drivers (like ODBC) or is located on your internal network.
Internal web services: If you're working with web services that are hosted internally and aren't available to the public Internet.
Internal files: If you're using files stored on your internal network as the source or destination for data.
By using an agent, you can set up specific configurations to run locally instead of in the cloud. This allows the system running the agent to access your internal files and databases. Running integration jobs through an agent is especially useful when you want to test everything locally before sending it to the cloud for final execution.
Note:  Non-administrators can use one agent at a time.
Last modified date: 09/19/2024