SQL Language Guide > System Catalogs > Standard Catalog Interface > Example of HELP VIEW and HELP Statements
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Example of HELP VIEW and HELP Statements
Note:  HELP commands are valid in interactive SQL but not in the Query Editor.
The following HELP VIEW statement displays information about the iisynonyms view:
help view iisynonyms
Example output:
View: iisynonyms
Owner: $ingres
Check option: off
View Definition:
create view iisynonyms(
select synonym_name,
from   "$ingres".iirelation,
where  reltid = syntabbase
and reltidx = syntabidx
The following HELP statement displays the format of the iisynonyms catalog:
help iisynonyms
Example output:
Name:                 iisynonyms
Owner:                $ingres
Created:              17-mar-2019 11:53:42
Type:                 system catalog
Version:              II10.0
Column Information:
Column Name                Type       Length Nulls Defaults Seq
synonym_name               char        256    no     no
synonym_owner              char         32    no     no
table_name                 char        256    no     yes
table_owner                char         32    no     yes
Last modified date: 09/19/2024