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Valid in: DBProc
The MESSAGE statement returns message text and a message number from a database procedure to an application program. The message statement can only be issued from a database procedure.
The MESSAGE statement has the following format:
MESSAGE message_text | message_number | message_number message_text
Specifies a string literal or a non-null host string variable.
Limits: The maximum length is 1500 bytes.
Specifies an integer literal or a non-null host integer variable.
Neither message_text nor message_number can be expressions. The values for these parameters do not correspond to Actian Data Platform error codes or messages; the message statement simply returns the specified values to the receiving application. If the message_number parameter is omitted, Actian Data Platform returns a value of 0.
Changes the default destination of the message, which is a window at the bottom of the screen. Alternate destinations are as follows:
Directs the output of the message statement to the error log.
The message number and text is written to errlog.log with message identifier E_QE0300.
Restores the default behavior.
To both log and return messages to the application, specify WITH DESTINATION = (SESSION, ERROR_LOG).
To specify an action to be performed when an application receives a message from a database procedure, use the WHENEVER SQLMESSAGE statement. For more information, see WHENEVER.
This statement is available to all users.
Related Statements
Last modified date: 12/12/2024