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Warehouse Disk Usage
Measures storage used for these metrics:
Type of Storage
Database tables/indexes storage used
Space consumed by database tables and indexes
Write-ahead log storage, current and backups
Space consumed by the current WAL file and retained backup WAL files
Full and incremental backup storage
Backup files are managed by the system and require no user intervention. Backup storage is space consumed by database backups, both full and incremental. Space consumed is a function of database size, backup frequency, and number of retained backups.
Temporary workfile storage
Space consumed by temporary work files generated during normal query execution
The Actian Data Platform uses cloud provider blob storage, which is virtually unlimited. As a result, there are no alarm thresholds on storage used.
The service check displays storage used by each component in the appropriate units:
storage used: data 151.97GB, WAL 2.02GB, backup 0.00b, work 105.00b
The detail section displays data size in the appropriate units as well as database block count and block size. Space consumed is a product of blocks and block size.
data: 151.97GB blocks: 77810 block_size: 2.00MB
Last modified date: 12/12/2024