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Comment Troubleshooting
In general, you must format comments as follows:
Avoid comment nesting
Separate comment delimiters from the comment text and from each other by white space, as in the following example:
/* Comment Text /* Unavoidable nested comment */ */
Do not use comment delimiters without intervening white space:
/*CommentText/*Unavoidable nested comment*/*/
Within a .query statement, place comments before any from clause:
        ** explanation of query
        SELECT col1
             FROM table
Avoid placing comments after the from clause in a .query statement:
        SELECT col1
                 FROM table
        ** explanation of query
Reports created in RBF can contain RBF‑generated comments after the from clause in the .query statement that are preserved and used by Report-Writer. Placing your comments prior to the from clause avoids any potential confusion with the RBF‑generated comments, because Report-Writer removes all such comments before saving the report specification to the database. This also saves room in the database. Report-Writer assumes that comments occurring after the from clause are RBF‑generated comments and saves them along with the report specification.
Last modified date: 04/03/2024