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Join Columns with Coercible Data Types
Data columns are coercible when their data type can be changed from one to the other. An integer data type, for instance, can be changed (coerced) into a floating‑point data type. In the same way, a money data type can be changed into a floating‑point data type. But a character data type cannot be coerced into a numeric type.
When you join two columns that have coercible but not identical data types, QBF displays a warning message, and QBF adopts the data characteristics of the table column listed first in the JoinDef.
For example, if two character columns of different lengths are joined, the data display on the QBF form uses the length of whichever column was specified first in the JoinDef. The same principle holds true for column nullability and data type. If two columns, one nullable and the other not, are joined, Query-By-Form treats them both as nullable or not nullable according to which was listed first in the JoinDef. If a floating‑point column is joined to an integer column, QBF uses the data type of the first one.
Last modified date: 04/03/2024