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Numeric Constants
Numeric constants consist of an integer, a decimal point, and a fraction or exponential (scientific) notation. You can specify numeric constants with the following format, where d is a digit:
[+|-] {d} [.{d} [e|E[+|-]d[d]]]
Some examples of valid numeric constants are:
4.7 e-2
Numeric constants can range from ‑10**38 to +10**38 (** denoting “to the power of”) with precision to 17 decimal places.
Report-Writer interprets a numeric constant as follows:
Integer, if it has no decimal point or exponent. A numeric constant of type integer is treated as type decimal if the value exceeds i4 (4,294,967,295)
Decimal, if it has a decimal point but no exponent. Under the following circumstances, a numeric constant of type decimal is treated as type float:
If the total number of digits exceeds 31
If you have set the II_NUMERIC_LITERAL environment variable/logical to float
Float, if it has an exponent, or if the release is Ingres 6.4 or earlier and it has a decimal point.
Last modified date: 04/03/2024