report Examples
1. Run a default report based on the vendor table in the purchasing database, using a default format and redefining the page width, and send the output to the named printer:
report purchasing vendor -m -180 -olaser2
2. Run the report contained in the source file,, against the purchasing database and store the results in the po_sum_out file:
report purchasing -fpo_sum.out
3. Run a default report in column format on the clients table owned by mktgmgr in the sales database and eliminate duplicate rows:
report sales mktgmgr.clients -mcolumn -6
4. Run the report named recpay against the accounting database and pass in the value of the variable, title:
report accounting recpay
(title = 'Accounts Receivable')
report accounting recpay
"(title = 'Accounts Receivable')"
Last modified date: 04/03/2024