Choose Columns on which to Base the Report
The ChooseColumns operation on the Create a Report Based on a Table pop-up allows you to specify only certain columns on which you wish to base the report, as noted in Step 4 of the previous procedure for creating a default report specification.
To specify particular columns in a table on which you want to base the report
1. Choose the Create operation on the Report Catalog frame; then select the Table option from the Creating a Report pop-up. RBF displays the Table Name pop-up.
2. Enter the name of a table on the Table Name pop-up and choose the ChooseColumns operation. RBF displays a pop-up containing a list of all columns in the table.
Up to 10 columns appear in the pop-up. You can scroll to view any additional columns.
3. Use the cursor to select a column and choose an appropriate operation on the menu to edit the list of columns on which to base the report. The available operations are as follows:
Accepts the report column list as is, and returns the user to the Table Name pop-up.
Redisplays a list of previously deleted columns. To add the column back into the report column list (above the current column), select it with the cursor and choose the Select operation.
Deletes the current column from the report column list.
Displays a submenu of move operations for the current column (Above, Below, Help, and End). Choosing End cancels the Move operation.
Deletes all columns from the report column list at once. You can then use the Add operation to put a few of the deleted columns back into the list.
Cancel, Help
Perform standard operations.
4. When done editing the list of columns, choose the OK operation.
RBF returns you to the Table Name pop-up.
5. On the Table Name pop-up, choose OK again to continue with the creation of your report specification.
RBF displays the Choose a Report Style pop-up.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024