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Data Display Forms for Query Targets
If you choose an existing QBFName as your query target, an associated custom form for the query is used. If you choose a query target that is a table or JoinDef, an appropriate default form for the query is used. For a table, you can choose between two additional options, SimpleFields or TableField format, to specify which default form to use.
Custom Forms
You can use the VIFRED to develop a custom form and associate it with a query target. VIFRED allows you to specify the dimensions and general appearance of the form or form components and to specify different display and behavior attributes for the fields on the form. For information about creating custom forms, see the chapters “Using VIFRED,” “VIFRED Form Components,” and “VIFRED Field Specifications.”
To specify a query target for use with a custom form, you use the QBFName that associates the form with the table or JoinDef.
Default Forms
When displaying a default form for a query, QBF uses the column names and data types of the table or tables in the query target. Unless there is a conflict, QBF uses the table column names as the internal name for each field on the form. When conflicts occur, QBF creates unique internal field names by slightly changing one of the column names.
When creating a form, QBF allocates each field enough space on the form for data entry and field titles. If you have specified that a table field must appear on the form, QBF first places all the simple fields on the form and then places the table field at the end of the form.
QBF supports several types of fields, corresponding to the basic data types:
Integer (whole numbers only)
Floating‑point (numbers including decimal places and scientific notation)
Character (alphanumeric characters)
For more detailed information about data types and formats, see the chapter “Working with RBF Report Specifications.”
Last modified date: 08/14/2024