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Delimited Identifiers
Delimited identifiers are database object names that are identical to reserved words or that contain spaces or non‑alphanumeric characters that are disallowed in a regular identifier. If the database was created as case sensitive, you can also use delimited identifiers to distinguish among identical names with different case (for example, SALES as distinct from Sales). For more information on allowable characters in delimited identifiers, see the SQL Reference Guide.
You can use delimited identifiers for names of all database objects, such as:
Table names
View names
Correlation names
Column names in tables
Schema and user names
You are not allowed to use delimited identifiers for Ingres tools objects such as JoinDefs, reports, forms, and QBFNames.
Use of Wild Card Characters
In some situations, you can use the SQL wild cards, underscore (_), asterisk (*), or brackets ([ ]), within delimited identifiers in the forms-based tools. To enter a wild card character as an explicit character, you must dereference it by preceding it with a backslash (\). For more information, see the chapter(s) on the specific forms-based tool or the command descriptions.
Case Sensitivity in Delimited Identifiers
When specifying delimited identifiers, follow the rules for case as defined for your database. In standard Ingres databases, delimited identifiers can be either case sensitive or case insensitive, as determined by the DBA when creating the database. By default, standard Ingres databases are case insensitive.
In databases compliant with ANSI/ISO Entry SQL‑92 standards, delimited identifiers are case sensitive. The following is an example of a case‑sensitive delimited identifier:
"Sales for March"
For more information on setting case for identifiers in Ingres databases, see the Database Administrator Guide.
Use of Delimited Identifier in Forms
You must always enclose delimited identifiers within double quotes ("), as shown in the following examples:
As a table, view, or synonym:
"dave's table"
As a column name:
"Stocks & Bonds"
In Help statement queries in the query language Interactive Terminal Monitor; for example:
help table "my table"
In VIFRED field validations; for example:
field_name in "table one"."column two"
As a correlation name and column name in correlation_name.column_name constructs:
select "t‑1"."col 1" as col1, "t‑2"."col 2" as
from table_one "t‑1", table_two "t‑2"
When using owner qualification, for either or both the schema name and/or object name, as follows:
"schema 1".table2
dave."Dave's table"
"schema 1"."view table1 & table2"
field_name in "schema 1"."table one"."column two"
On the command line, as a username for the ‑u flag, groupid parameter for the ‑G flag, or database object in a command parameter.
‑u"user 2"
‑G"tech sup"
Your operating system can require additional delimiting and dereferencing quotes for these parameters and for delimited identifiers on the command line. For details, see the System Administrator Guide.
Delimited identifiers are displayed in catalogs and other lists of available choices without their surrounding double quotes, except when displayed for update. You can choose a delimited identifier from one of these lists as you do any other identifier—by moving the cursor to the item and choosing the appropriate operation.
Delimiting quotes and, if present, de-referenced embedded double quotes are shown in pop‑up forms and entry fields containing delimited identifiers displayed for update. If you edit a delimited identifier or enter one into a field by manually typing it, you must also include the delimiting double quotes (") and dereference any embedded double quotes by preceding them with another double quote(""):
"""expert"" witness"
Do not dereference single quotes or apostrophes within delimited identifiers:
"dave's table"
For information about specifying delimiting and dereferencing quotes in delimited identifiers on the command line, see the System Administrator Guide.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024