Fields for Examine a Table
The fields on the Examine a Table frame are as follows:
Name of the schema in which the table or view resides.
Row Width
Total width, in bytes, of any data row in the table.
Approximate number of data rows (records) currently stored in the table. For a new table that has not yet had data entered into it, this number is zero (0). You can multiply the row width by the number of data rows to calculate how much disk storage space the table now occupies.
Number of columns in the table.
Table Type
Table type (table, view, or secondary index).
Storage Structure
Type of storage structure that the table uses; for example, heap or compressed B-tree.
Number of pages and overflow pages the table now occupies.
Base Table
Name of the underlying table (for a synonym only).
Base Table Owner
Name of the schema in which the base table resides (for a synonym only).
Indicates whether journaling is enabled for this table. Journaling is a process of logging all changes to the table over time.
Column Name
The name of the column in the table.
Data Type
The type of data (and in some cases maximum number of characters) stored in the column.
Key #
The key sort priority number of the column, if any.
Indicates whether null values are accepted in the column.
Indicates whether default values can be automatically entered in the column if no data is entered by the user.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024