How Columns Are Joined
When you create a JoinDef on the JoinDef Definition frame and select either Go or Save, QBF selects as the join columns the columns in the two tables that have the same name. QBF then compares the data types, leading to one of three possible situations:
• The data types are the same, in which case QBF completes the join.
• The data types are not the same, but are coercible.
This means that the data types can be changed from one to the other. For example, a money data type can be coerced into a numeric type. In this situation, QBF displays a warning message, but completes the join.
• The data types are different and not coercible.
For example, a character data type cannot be coerced into a numeric type. QBF prompts you to modify your joins using the JoinDef Specification frame to establish proper joins.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024