How You Build a Single-table JoinDef
To build a single-table JoinDef, follow these steps:
1. Follow Steps 1 through 4 in Creating a JoinDef, earlier in this chapter, to get to the JoinDefs Catalog frame.
2. Choose Create on the JoinDefs Catalog frame.
3. Enter a name for the JoinDef.
4. On the JoinDef Definition Frame, enter master in the Role column, type the name of the table you wish to use in the Table Name column. In the Owner column, type the name of the schema to which the table belongs, if appropriate. Then enter an optional abbreviation for the table in the Abbreviation column.
If you are joining a table to itself in order to create a Master/Detail or Master/Master relationship between two columns in the same table, perform Step 5. Otherwise, skip to Step 6.
5. To establish a Master/Detail or Master/Master relationship between two columns in the table, move the cursor down to the second line. Enter d (detail) or m (master) in the Role column of the second line, as appropriate. After entering the role, enter the table name and, if necessary, the table's schema name. Then enter a unique abbreviation for the table in the Abbreviation column.
6. When you have finished specifying the tables, specify the field format. Table‑field format is the default, which you can change to No if desired.
If you are simply creating a single-table JoinDef in order to establish display or update and delete rules, skip to Step 9.
7. Choose the Joins operation to display the JoinDef Join Specification frame.
8. To create a Master/Detail join between two different data columns in the table, type blank spaces over the default join specifications established by QBF to delete them.
Specify the join by entering [schema.]tablename.columnname for the join's master data column in the left side of the form and alternateabbr.columnname for the detail data column in the right side.
Whenever you enter a column name in the right side of the form, you always use the alternate abbreviation for the table.
9. Choose the End operation to finish specifying the join columns.
10. Choose the Go operation. The Query Execution frame is displayed.
You can choose the Rules operation to use the JoinDef update and delete rules frame to modify update and deletion rules. You can use the JoinDef Change Display frame to hide specified columns from view when you use the JoinDef form. The following sections provide details.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024