How to Specify Delimited Identifiers
You can specify delimited identifiers for database objects in the following circumstances:
• Within the report specification code
• On the command line within a command to run a report
• On the command line in response to a prompt for runtime substitution of a variable
To specify a delimited identifier in the report specification code, as a parameter on the command line, or in response to an Ingres prompt on the command line, enclose the delimited identifier within double quotes (") and escape any embedded double quotes by doubling them. For convenience, we refer to this as editable format. You can specify delimited identifiers as follows:
You can use delimited identifiers in the following circumstances:
• As a table, view, or synonym:
.data "Dave's table"
• As a column name:
.print "Stocks & Bonds"
• As a correlation name and column name in correlation_name.column_name constructs:
select "t-1"."col 1" as col1, "t-2"."col 2"
as col2
from table_one "t-1", table_two "t-2"
• When using schemas for owner qualification, for either or both the schema name and/or object name, as follows:
"schema 1".table2
dave."Dave's table"
"schema 1"."view table1 & table2"
• On the command line, as a username for the ‑u flag, groupid parameter for the ‑G flag, or database object in a command parameter
If your operating system requires additional delimiting and dereferencing quotes for delimited identifiers on the command line, see the Command Reference Guide.
When using schemas for owner qualification or when specifying a user ID on the command line, the schema or user ID must be enclosed in double quotes if it does not conform to the conventions for regular identifiers. If a schema or user ID contains characters unacceptable in a regular identifier, such as in Da Vinci or O'Neil, then all objects created by that user can have a schema name that must be specified as a delimited identifier in double quotes.
In addition, the DBA can specify at database creation time whether Ingres stores user IDs in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case when impersonating that user with the ‑u flag on the command line.
Also, any schema name that Ingres creates by default based on that user ID is stored in mixed case and must be specified as a delimited identifier, in double quotes, when qualifying an object with an owner name.
For more information on schema names or specifying case conventions for user identifiers in a particular database, see the Database Administrator Guide. For information about specifying embedded quotes and other special characters in delimited identifiers, see the SQL Reference Guide.
Case Sensitivity of Delimited Identifiers
When specifying delimited identifiers, follow the rules for case as defined for your database. In standard Ingres databases, delimited identifiers can be either case sensitive or case insensitive, as determined by the DBA when creating the database. By default, standard Ingres databases are case insensitive.
In databases compliant with ANSI/ISO Entry SQL‑92 standards, delimited identifiers are case sensitive.
Multiple Delimited Identifiers
Separate multiple delimited identifiers on the same line with at least one space, because Ingres perceives two adjacent double quotes ("") as an escaped double quote ("). For example, suppose you specify:
.print "abc""def"
it is interpreted as:
.print abc"def
Separating delimited identifiers with white space prevents confusion. For example, include a space between the delimited identifiers “abc” and “def”:
.print "abc" "def"
It is correctly interpreted as:
.print abc def
Last modified date: 08/14/2024