Move a Group of Components at Once
You can use the GroupMove operation on the Form Layout frame to define a bounding box around a group of unrelated form components and move them as a unit to a new location on the form. The operation preserves relative spacing between components and from each component to the upper left corner of the defined bounding box.
Once completed, you cannot use the Undo operation to reverse a group move. During the process, you can abandon the move as described within the following procedure.
To move an entire group of form components at once
1. Position the cursor where it defines the upper left corner of the group of components you want to move, and then choose the GroupMove operation on the Form Layout frame menu.
VIFRED marks the current cursor position at the upper left corner of the group with a blinking plus sign (+) and displays the following message:
Move cursor to position the opposite corner
press <MENU KEY> when done)
2. Position the cursor diagonally opposite the marked corner so that it defines the lower right corner of the group of components to be moved. The components to be moved must be contained within the area defined by the upper left and lower right corners.
If you want to cancel the operation at this point, either:
• Move the cursor to its previously marked upper left corner, so that no bounding box is defined
• Define a bounding box that encompasses none of the components completely.
VIFRED highlights the group of components and displays this submenu:
Place Help End
3. Position the cursor at the upper left corner of the place to which you want to move the components and select the Place operation on the submenu.
Otherwise, if you want to cancel the operation, select End.
If the location you specified is the same as the starting position, or if the move would overlap other form components, VIFRED cancels the operation.
Otherwise, VIFRED immediately moves the group of components. If necessary, VIFRED expands the form to accommodate the move.
4. Choose the Save operation on the Form Layout frame.
Your changes are preserved.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024