Object Naming Conventions for ANSI/ISO Entry SQL-92 Compliant Databases
For reports based on tables or views in ANSI/ISO Entry SQL‑92 compliant databases, observe the following conventions regarding object names when referencing them within Report-Writer statements and commands:
• Names consist of 18 or fewer characters.
• Regular identifiers begin with an alphabetic character (a ‑ z) and contain only alphabetic, numeric, or underscore (_) characters.
• Regular identifiers are case insensitive.
• Delimited identifiers are case sensitive.
These conventions differ somewhat from standard Ingres conventions for regular and delimited identifiers. Also, in standard Ingres databases, regular identifiers can include the non‑alphanumeric characters #, @, and $, and delimited identifiers can be case insensitive, depending on how the database was created.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024