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Object Naming Conventions for ANSI/ISO Entry SQL-92 Compliant Databases
For reports based on tables or views in ANSI/ISO Entry SQL‑92 compliant databases, observe the following conventions regarding object names when referencing them within Report-Writer statements and commands:
Names consist of 18 or fewer characters.
Regular identifiers begin with an alphabetic character (a ‑ z) and contain only alphabetic, numeric, or underscore (_) characters.
Regular identifiers are case insensitive.
Delimited identifiers are case sensitive.
These conventions differ somewhat from standard Ingres conventions for regular and delimited identifiers. Also, in standard Ingres databases, regular identifiers can include the non‑alphanumeric characters #, @, and $, and delimited identifiers can be case insensitive, depending on how the database was created.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024