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Infodb Command Output – Extent Directory Section
The following is sample output from the extent directory section, which shows all locations used by the database:
----Extent directory-------------------------------------------------------------

    Location       Flags        Physical_path
    ii_database    ROOT,DATA    c:\Ingres\IngresII\ingres\data\default\demodb
    ii_journal     JOURNAL      c:\Ingres\IngresII\ingres\jnl\default\demodb
    ii_checkpoint  CHECKPOINT   c:\Ingres\IngresII\ingres\ckp\default\demodb
    ii_dump        DUMP         c:\Ingres\IngresII\ingres\dmp\default\demodb
    ii_work        WORK         c:\Ingres\IngresII\ingres\work\default\demodb
Fields are as follows:
Identifies the logical name of the location.
Indicates the types of database files stored in the location. The possibilities are:
ALIAS—this is a location alias. This means at least one other location points to the same area as this location. This flag is used only for checkpoint and rollforward operations so that locations are neither checkpointed nor rolled forward more than once.
AWORK—this is an auxiliary work file location. Work files (that is, for sorts and temporary tables) are stored in the location.
CHECKPOINT—checkpoint files are stored in the location.
DATA—user data (such as tables, indexes) is stored in the location.
DUMP—dump files are stored in the location.
JOURNAL—journal files are stored in the location.
ROOT—system data (that is, system catalogs) is stored in the location.
WORK—work files (for sorts and temporary tables) are stored in the location.
Identifies the physical path of the location.
Last modified date: 08/14/2024